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□140209 Snowy night

It's been snowing all day long for two days here. On my way back home, I couldn't help myself from taking photos of these romantic paths on a snowy night. I was totally alone on the street and felt so free to sing aloud. Sang the old pop '사랑한 후에_by 여명'that was used to be my favourite in late 90's. Couldn't really remember all the lyrics, hummed few lines. It may be the very last snow this season... I would definitely miss it!

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  1. 마지막 눈을 마음껏 즐기셨길... 원어민같은 자연스러운 표현들을 뵈니 북미나 영어사용권에서 오래 생활하신 듯 합니다. ^^

    1. 마지막인줄 알았는데 날씨예보를 보니 두번정도 더 온다네요 ㅎㅎ 그 곳도 눈이 많이 내리나요? 영어는 하긴하는데, 원어민까지는 아직 멀었다고 생각해요 ㅜㅜ
